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Welcome to the home of the

West Hartford Youth Football League


West Hartford Youth Football is open to boys and girls in grades 1st through 8th to participate meaningfully and safely in competition. The league consists of both Flag and Tackle Football programs.

Registration will open for the Flag and Tackle Programs April 15th, 2025

    Proper Prep is the Best Prevention & Precaution

    As our Flag and Tackle programs are off to great starts, we'd like to remind our WHYFL community of some helpful tips to ensure our players are safely competing.

    • Hydration is key! And not just before practice starts.
      • USA Football Guidelines on Hydration.
      • Throughout the day: Incorporating water regularly throughout the day is extremely important, not just for football.
      • Before Practice: Hydrate with 16-24 ounces of water or sports drink.
      • During Practice: Routine hydration throughout practice.
    • Staying Active
      • Put aside the video games, tv, and cell phones! Players that routinely stay active have much better performance on the field whether that be for practice or game time.
    • Nutritious Meals
      • Players should eat healthy snacks and meals throughout the day.
      • Eating directly before practice can sometime cause an upset stomach. It is highly recommended that players keep to only light snacks 2 hours before practice starts.
      • Incorporating a healthy diet with foods that have a good ratio of protein, veggies, carbs, and health fats is a winning recipe.
    • Self Education
      • Routinely reference game plans, paying attention during practices, and asking great questions are all keys to helping our players to stay locked into the sport.
    • Here is a great video from the National Science Foundation on Health, Hydration, and Nutrition.

    The Coaches Corner – Pine City Radio Heads Up FootballHere's Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Volunteering Is Wrong -  Worldly AdventurerSports Briefs—VIRGINIA Magazine






    New updates are regularly being made to improve the experience of the West Hartford Youth Football League's (WHYFL) webpage! Visit the WHYFL webpage regularly and stay tuned for more exciting changes.

    The website is being "cleaned up" and "refreshed" with new and exciting information regarding all things WHYFL. New pages that were recently added include "Coaches Corner, Heads Up Football, and Useful Documents and Links". 

    Please take some time to explore the new and improved website of the WHYFL and as always, we cannot do this alone! Your feedback is incredibly important to us. Tell us what you'd like to see more of and/or what you would like to see less of. Don't be shy. We look forward to making the 2025 season as fantastic and as memorial as possible for our Players, Parents, Coaches, and Patrons!

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